Synthema 4th Newsletter
This newsletter delves into the fascinating world of data protection and privacy risk assessment, featuring groundbreaking insights from Dr. Laura Carmicheal and Dr. Stephen Phillips of the University of Southampton’s IT Innovation Centre, as part of the SYNTHEMA project.
Synthema 3rd Newsletter
SYNTHEMA newsletter edition three highlights participation in ASH 2023 and NeurIPS 2023, featuring insights, collaborations, and new publications in scientific innovation. Focus on AI in healthcare, ethical considerations, and the introduction of ‘Project Glossary’ for demystifying complex scientific terms
Synthema 2nd Newsletter
Welcome to the SYNTHEMA’s 2nd Newsletter – Dive into the heart of a Horizon Europe initiative revolutionizing rare hematological diseases research. This edition brings you a glimpse into SYNTHEMA’s core, synergy in action (SYNTHEMA/Genodmed4All) and voices from the 8th General Assembly Harmony Plus.
Synthema 1st Newsletter
Dive into the heart of a Horizon Europe initiative revolutionizing rare hematological diseases research. This edition delves into SYNTHEMA’s approach to overcoming data fragmentation and advancing research through a collaborative platform, linking clinical centers, research facilities, and industries. Explore SYNTHEMA’s focus on Sickle-Cell Disease (SCD) and Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML), and its five strategic research objectives.