
Synthema presented at UPM

The Synthema project was recently presented as part of a University Lecture at the Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería de Sistemas Informáticos (ETSISI) of the UPM, by Gustavo Hernández. The talk was part of the “Software Architecture and Design” subject, and the objective was to bring students closer to real innovation projects based on cutting-edge technological architectures.

Over 100 students, including Erasmus students, attended the talk and learned about the project’s ultimate goal to create a cross-border hub to develop and validate Artificial Intelligence techniques for anonymization and synthetic data generation in rare hematological diseases.

Several students were intrigued and have contacted the project team asking for more information and looking for ways to collaborate with Synthema. This interest shows that the project is inspiring the next generation of innovators and researchers to make a difference in the lives of those affected by rare hematological diseases.

The Synthema team is thrilled to see such enthusiasm from the students and encourages anyone interested in learning more or collaborating with the project to visit our website.